Javscript Music Maker

Creating musical pieces on-the-fly can be very difficult for humans as we need to have adequate experience in using a particular instrument, and accompanying expertise in musical theory. The purpose of this demo is to show how we can use a simple piece of javascript to step in and create music by itself, with this being controlled by human input. We use the popular choral progression from Pachelbel's Canon and model this to change a melody within constraints based on user input.

Demo 1 - Standard Music Creation

This demo shows a simple creation of music with each note being created based on a simple random number generator

Demo 2 - Mouse User Input

Allows the user to move the mouse up and down to change the overall pitch of music being created

Demo 3 - Leap Motion Input

Chages mouse input for leap motion, allowing user to "conduct" their own piece

Open Day Demo

Used for open day demonstrations